Monday, November 11, 2019

Literature for enrollment and scheduling Essay

According to some Researchers (2013), Due to their limited funds, the school maximizes its workforce to attend to every student needs that results to overloaded teachers and school personnel. Although the school has a handful of computers donated to them, they still use the traditional way of maintaining files and records that are all manually done. The current system being implemented by Metropolitan Academy of Manila is the traditional method of recording, calculating, and maintaining student grades and records. Everything is done manually. Student information is written on paper forms during enrollment. The registrar prepares a list of official enrolled students and gives copies to the principal and to the teachers. The teachers write down the names of the students in their class records for every subject and section he or she is handling and enters the rating of the students for every grade component. The teachers manually compute the grade of the students using a calculator and submit their class records to the principal for checking. The principal checks the grades one by one and if errors are found, the class record is returned to the teacher, who re-computes the grade and submit it again to the principal for checking. Correct and verified grades are then given subject grade components subject grade components rating back to the teacher to be submitted to the registrar who prepares the students’ report cards. This type of system is very tedious and takes a long time. Manually calculating, checking and re-computing the grades of students are very difficult and are very prone to human errors. Added to this is the money being spent by the school for paper files and forms, cabinets and other things needed to store student data and records. According to Forman (2007), continuing innovation in technologies can lead to organizational changes that range from improvement of day to day operation and for easy access it provides for the end users. Many schools today have adapted this innovation in offering of their services. Related Studies Local Based on the researcher, a web-based enrolment system for Veritas Parochial School (VPS) in Manila was developed to help its students enroll in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours in filling out forms, which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the  cashier. It is with the Web-based Enrolment System for VPS that this new style of enrolment may be achieved. This new type of system offers its students new options for enrolling at VPS. By logging on to VPS website, one can register and enroll subjects for a school year. With these, all the students are required to fill out certain forms that do not take more than a few minutes to accompl ish. The system stores its records in the school database for future references. Confirmation of the transaction made by the students need to be verified, the payment of tuition fees must be made in the school’s registrar. The students may also browse the web site of VPS and he can check his current account. He can also refer to the list of the school current tuition fee rates (Pascual & Riceo, 2008). According to the project study in 2005 by Mr. Lopez, an enrolment system help and provide efficient and reliable services to the students, enrolment personnel and administration. Moreover, this system improved the process of enrolment in terms of searching, retrieving and subject schedules. An Online Enrolment System was proposed to replace the manual enrolment system of Cavite Maritime Institute in order to advance an organized flow of transaction and an ease of work concerned on how the manual enrolment performs throughout the institution’s operations. The numerous transactions that the manual system covers, such as updating and adding student records, generating the advising and assessment slips, and the like considering the manual operating system to be inefficient for the need of the institution. Since the study involves proper record handling, tracing the constraints and evaluation of the manual system isessential(Bacala and Reano, 2009). According to Aquino (2005), importance of computer application is increasing day by day. In the latest decades of the Millennium winning organization are those which are willing to integrate business strategy and computer information technology in plying their respective trades. The use of computer information technology results for them to be able to develop products fast and make decisions fast, ability to have fluid organization structures, able to cope with the demanding work force and external environment by the rapid development of innovative approaches and lastly  using information system confirms the company’s mission vision. Schools use information systems in the way of implementing an enrolment system. This results for them to attract enrollees and earn an income. Enrollees are attracted because the use of the said system makes the transactions faster and easier. â€Å"Lack of enrollment system in schools can lead to chaos and troubles†, as stated by Ace Adr ian (2011). Students will be confused on what they should do to be able to enroll that is why such systems is extremely useful in the way that it gives an ease on working on enrolment processes. Enrollment is very useful in retrieving vital information of the students. Without it can lead difficulty both for the administration of school and student in enrollment processes. Many countries nowadays, especially the developing nations are challenged by the rapid technological changes. This has radically changed the living and working styles of the entire society. This transformation has been driven partly by rapid technological innovation. While in the 20th century saw the rise of the industrial revolution with steam-powered machines intensifying and expanding human productive power, the 21thcentury was characterized by the birth of machine-powered flight and the emergence of broadcasting and computer technologies the extend the reach of human creativity even more and made possible new ways by which humans could live and work together (Tinio, 2002). The transformation of manual enrollment transaction to automated and now into a web based automation is one example of what has driven partly by the rapid technological innovation. Any ways just to make work easier and faster like enrollment transactions is possible with the emergence of computer technologies. Technology innovation had influenced man’s work from data processing, business transaction, research, planning, monitoring and even in medical operation on human anatomy are now entrusted to computer technology. Web applications are popular due to ubiquity of its applications. The ability to update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing software on potentially thousands of client computers are key reasons for its popularity. A significant advantage of building web applications to support a standard browser feature is the ability to perform as specified, regardless of the operating system installed on a given client (Bacala&Reanno, 2009). A web-based enrollment system has featured that meet most of academic institutions system’s needs  and requirements. This includes standardized modules for student registration, enrolment, grade management, and other modules that are deemed necessary to operate a school. Foreign Literature According to researcher (2009) integrated systems are a tool to support integrated. Information systems are increasingly being used in organizations with the objective of providing competitive advantage. The Grading systems used by organizations can be grouped into different types such as transaction processing system, Scheduling System, and Grading System. It includes the changing employment patterns, archiving, and bibliographic control, security and data protection, intellectual property, marketplace issues and access. An enrollment system is basically included in one of the classification of information system that is stated by the author, thus it serves a tool to support information management with regards to the student data, enrollment fees information and other with a connection to the enrollment process .Every school gain competitive advantage of having this system for they will have the capacity on handling important information at ease and with security. The iterative impl ementation approach is a theory that eliminates problems of using a waterfall study. This is invented to avoid a linear and sequential development of study. The overall functionality of the system is broken down into feature sets. These features sets often based upon use cases from the analysis stage, containing group of individual features that are related, typically by a functional area WAMP5 (WAMP means Windows Apache Mysql PHP) is a platform of Web development under Windows. It allows you to develop dynamic Web sites with Apache server, PHP5 script language, and the database of MySQL release 5. It also possesses VB. Net MyAdmin and SQL lite manager to manage more easily your databases. Windows 7 is an operating system produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs, and media center PCs. It was released to manufacturing on July 22, 2009, and became generally available for retail worldwide on October 22, 2009,less than three years after the release of its predecessor, Windows Vista. Windows 7’s server counterpart, Windows Server 2008 R2, was released  at the same time. Windows 7 is succeeded by Windows 8. Adopting the theory of Stephen McHenry which is known as the iterative implementation covers the breakdown of overall functionality of the system to a what he called feature set and those feature sets represents different process involve in an enrollment system. It helps locate what feature an enrollment system will have since that this kind of systems does many activities and processes. India’s higher education system is the third largest in the world, after China andUnited State. The main governing body at tertiary level is the University GrantsCommission. Which enforces its standards, advises the government, and help coordinate between the centre and the state? Accreditation for higher learning is overseen by 12autonomous institutions established by the University Grants Commission. As of 2009, India has 2 central university 215 state universities, 100 deemed universities, 5 institutions established and functioning under the state act, and 13institutes which are of national importance. Other institutions include 16000 colleges, including 1800 exclusive women’s colleges, functioning under these universities and institutions. According to Jefels (2010), Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is important in primary education because it enables kids to search for the information they need and to organize what they have found. As children progress through the school system, they become increasingly responsible for their own learning. Many believe that ICT needs to be better integrated into curriculums so all schools produce computer literate, independent learners. ICT is a global phenomenon, and children who are computer literate at an early stage of their lives might deal better with the modern world. A sound knowledge of ICT makes it much easier for children to find and organize information. An Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) funded study (2009) that took place between 2005 and 2008 identified good practices in the teaching of ICT. Although the ICT curriculum was sometimes poorly balanced, its use contributed to children doing better in some subject areas. The study also found that the primary school children spent as much time on computers as the curriculum allowed. Primary school children who do well in ICT spend a lot of time going over the same ground rather than progressing. The Ofsted study (2009) found that in more than half the primary schools they visited, children did well in ICT. However, earlier work found that in more than half the primary schools they visited, children did well in ICT. However, earlier work found that children did better in schools where the computing resources were good, but had lower levels of achievement when resources were fewer. College and university campuses frequently struggle with the task of getting academic classes and the wide variety of non-academic meetings and events that they host into the appropriate rooms. Ensuring the availability of the necessary services and resources can also be difficult. A class schedule maker will go a long way in making life easier for students as this automates the process of scheduling classes to some extent. It is a useful tool that will save a lot of time. College days are tough as students have to juggle time between studies and part-time jobs to keep them afloat meanwhile and some students also have to participate in sports and athletics. And classes are only available at certain times and students have to wrap their schedule around these. A tool that will help with scheduling will be really helpful for students and teachers alike. College teachers have some of the best and most respected jobs. But enriching the intellect of young minds takes a lot of responsibility as the competence of the teacher plays a part in deciding to what extent the student will excel in that subject. And for this teachers have to spend a lot of time preparing proper study material. And if you put yourself in the academician’s shoes, you will see that this is quite difficult. Plus, there is the added responsibility of scheduling classes. This would be unnecessary added stress to the teachers and an electronic aid to help them will prove to be really helpful. A graphic representation of data is always useful and this is one of the benefits of a class schedule maker.

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